Click here to get your FREE e-book today! How to Activate the Female System described in detail by the inventor of the O-Shot (R) procedure, Charles Runels, MD. The book describes how to treat painful sex (dyspareunia), improve orgasm, increase sex drive (libido), and cure urinary incontinence.
The O-Shot or Orchid Shot
The Orgasm Shot, or O-Shot, at Aligned Aesthetics is a revolutionary medical procedure designed to enhance sexual pleasure and treat various intimate health concerns in women. It involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your blood into specific areas of the vagina. This stimulates tissue regeneration, increases blood flow, and enhances sensitivity, leading to stronger orgasms, improved sexual function, and heightened arousal.
The O-Shot is a safe, minimally invasive treatment that can address issues like decreased libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, urinary incontinence, and vaginal dryness. It offers women a natural and effective solution to reclaim their sexual satisfaction and overall well-being. With the O-Shot, women can unlock a new level of pleasure and confidence in their intimate lives.
How does an O-Shot work? + -
The O-Shot at Aligned Aesthetics is a cutting-edge treatment that uses platelet rich plasma (PRP) to improve orgasm, vaginal lubrication, urinary incontinence, and painful intercourse.
PRP is isolated from your blood using a machine called a centrifuge. The PRP is rich in over 6 different growth factors that promote tissue regeneration, increasing production of collagen, elastin, formation of new blood vessels which improve blood flow and promote formation of new nerve endings. Increased blood flow leads to enhanced sensitivity and arousal. Get ready to elevate your love life and unleash a new wave of pleasure and confidence.
How do I prepare for an O-Shot? + -
Make sure you are well hydrated 48 hours prior to your appointment. This does require a blood draw. The more water you drink the better sample we get! Make sure you have eaten prior to your appointment. Leave the rest to us to keep you comfortable throughout the process of the O-Shot.